Afterward, people won't have so many physical stuff like pictures, books that need to
The continued trends toward consumerization and cloud computing highlight the movement of certain former IT responsibilities into the hands of others," Plummer said.As users take more control of the devices they will use, business managers are taking more control of the budgets IT organizations have watched shift over the last few years. As the world of IT moves forward, CIOs are finding that they must coordinate their activities in a much wider scope than they once controlled. While this might be a difficult prospect for IT departments, they must now adapt or be swept aside."
Any organization which wishes to accelerate in 2012 must establish in itself a significant discipline of coordinating distributed activities," Plummer said. "[IT] must establish relationship management as a key skill and train their people accordingly.The reason for this is that the lack of control can only be combated through coordinative activities. The IT organization of the future must coordinate those who have the money, those who deliver the services, those who secure the data and those consumers who demand to set their own pace for use of IT."
北市:民眾網購遭詐騙,燦坤可能個資外洩 | ||||
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民眾向北市府投訴,指在燦坤網路商城購物後接獲詐騙集團假裝客服人員,要求以ATM操作解除刷卡分期設定,因詐騙集團掌握時間、購買商品、金額、卡號等詳細資料,北市府懷疑燦坤可能外流個資。 | ||||
台北市政府日前接獲民眾投訴遭網路購物詐騙案件,在燦坤網路商店消費購物後即遭詐騙,一位民眾甚至損失10多萬元,北市府因此懷疑燦坤發生個資外洩事件,要求燦坤說明並改善。對此,燦坤否認內部有個資外洩,呼籲警方儘快偵辦詐騙集團以追查個資來源。 台北市政府去年陸續接獲民眾投訴,知名3C連鎖通路商燦坤網路購物消費後,接獲自稱燦坤客服人員來電表示刷卡分期作業出錯,需操作ATM取消辦理刷退,因詐騙集團清楚掌握交易資料,北市府因此懷疑資料為燦坤流出,也請市警局介入調查。 根據台北市政府的瞭解,北市共5位民眾申訴,新北市有1位,投訴民眾都是在燦坤網路商城刷卡購物後,約2週到1個接到自稱客服人員的來電稱作業疏失設定錯誤,原本應分期扣款卻每期扣全額,要求操作ATM解除分期付款設定,雖然5位民眾懷有警覺心不予理會,1位民眾受騙損失10多萬元。 北市府法規委員會主委葉慶元表示,詐騙集團掌握民眾何時購物、購買的品項、刷卡金額、信用卡銀行與卡號等詳細交易資料,相關資料由燦坤流出的可能性相當高,經與燦坤聯繫後,燦坤表示未查出有資料外洩的跡象,市府擔心燦坤很可能在不知情下流出資料,恐影響到更多消費者。 北市府除了要求業者說明並提出改善方案,同時也要求對受害消費者提出賠償及必要的協助。葉慶元指出,因新版個人資料保護法尚未正式實施,因此無法依新版個資法推定求償,將依電腦個人資料保護法就受害者的實際損失求償。 對於北市府的懷疑,燦坤否認資料外洩,燦坤3C副總經理張岳龍表示,去年8月就曾接到一、二位消費者反映詐騙的案例,曾協助其向警方報案,經過燦坤內部調查完全沒有發現外洩的情形,消費者應保持警覺心,同時也呼籲警方儘快展開調查,找出詐騙集團以追踨個資來源。 網購、MSN為詐騙慣用手法 台北市政府警察局刑事警察大隊資訊室主任林浚奕表示,經統計北市詐騙案例數量因這幾年政府與民間單位共同宣導下,案件數已有明顯的下降,從民國98年的8356件(電話詐騙2080件,網路詐騙1683件)減少到100年的4647件(電話詐騙859件、網路詐騙1076件)。雖然詐騙案件數下降,但值得注意的是宅經濟興起下,100年網購詐騙事件已超過電話詐騙,躍居各類詐騙案件的首位。 根據北市府警察局觀察,網路詐騙慣用手法最多的是網路購物後假裝客服要求操作ATM解除分期付款,其次則是MSN帳號被盜用,歹待冒用其帳號要求親友代為購買遊戲點數、借款等等,光是國內MSN帳號被盜案例每月約發生130多件,造成100多萬的財產損失。 網購的相關詐騙,需業者加強資安防護、員工教育,並透過宣導提高民眾警覺心,而MSN帳號被盜用部份,刑事局去年已與微軟合作,只要民眾發現帳號被盜可前往警局報案要求停權,由刑事局165匯整資料後交給微軟停權,事後若要復權需向微軟申請。 |
Forecast Alert: IT Spending, Worldwide, 2008-2015, 4Q11 Update
3 January 2012
Richard Gordon Gartner's U.S. dollar growth forecast for global IT spending in 2012 has been revised downward from 4.6% in the previous quarter to 3.7%. Faltering global economic growth, the eurozone crisis and the impact of Thailand's floods on hard-disc drive production have taken their toll on IT spending. |
IMAGINE if your doctor could give you test results in minutes rather than days or weeks. Technology could make it possible, but only if the healthcare industry acknowledges it has a big problem: A data problem.
Every day, vast networks of physicians, specialists, patients, pharmacies, insurers and hospitals exchange millions of claims, forms, diagnoses, images, prescriptions, referrals and medical research.
Today, that information - say the MRI on your old football injury - increasingly is digitised. But much remains paper-based.
More than US$850bil (RM2.6 trillion) is wasted each year on duplicate lab tests, preventable conditions and inefficient paper-based systems, according to a recent Thomson Reuters report.
The benefits of rapid, electronic sharing of medical records are significant. As the healthcare industry moves from paper to electronic medical record-keeping, a crucial need has become evident: How to store and manage all those ones and zeros.
And healthcare is not alone. The world is drowning in data. Soon, it's estimated there will be one trillion Internet-connected devices in the world.
Every day, 15 petabytes of new information is generated - 8x more than the information in all the libraries in the United States.
This year the amount of digital information generated is expected to reach 988 exabytes - equivalent to the amount of information if books were stacked from the Sun to Pluto and back.
The research firm IDC says that the world's data already exceeds available storage space - and demand for storage capacity will continue to grow at a compound annual growth rate of over 43% in the next three years. The nature of data is changing - from "structured" forms such as numbers to "unstructured" information such as video, e-mail and pictures.
Other affected industries include media and entertainment. Between 2009 and 2015, that industry will see about a 10x increase in the required digital storage capacity per year, according to a recent study from Coughlin Associates. The media industry captures, transports, ingests, processes and archives many petabytes of video, audio and images annually.
Until now, the only way to capture and process digital content for growing amounts of data was through the use of videotape cassettes and different removable media - a slow and expensive process.
The new method revolves around simple, inexpensive ways to manage the large archives created by this class of information. That requires better ways to store data, prioritise it and eliminate redundancies.
The good news is these technologies exist and are getting more sophisticated. Companies in every industry now have the ability to compress or shrink data, thus reducing the need for expensive physical storage space. They can get rid of duplicate data and increase efficiency.
One healthcare provider has taken advantage of innovative new services and technology to eliminate duplicate healthcare records, routing the most urgent records to one place for rapid access and analysis, while placing other records in a more cost-effective medium.
As a result, the provider has dramatically reduced the times required to access and restore data, cut the window for responding to requests from hours to minutes, and reduced physical storage of records by more than 90%.
Healthcare providers also can benefit from technology that takes the most urgent healthcare records and route them to rapid, solid-state storage mechanisms (the same technology used in the iPod) while sending other information (such as that needed to be stowed away under government regulations) to more cost-effective tape storage.
The role of IT within the healthcare provider setting will continue to evolve over time. 2011 has already seen changes in the approach to IT infrastructure and, specifically, storage.
The amount of storage required in support of legacy and new healthcare applications will continue to increase. Changing dynamics in healthcare provider settings will also impact traditional storage purchasing patterns and influence new purchasing trends.
Opportunities for storage, specifically in the healthcare provider segment will result from a series of factors - from the implementation of vendor-neutral archives by providers, to the use of object-based storage architectures optimised for medical images.
This also includes adoption of client virtualisation and the centralisation of storage for distributed client images, and proliferation of inpatient and ambulatory EMR will drive Net-new storage deployments. Another definite new area of opportunity in the future would be around the use of cloud storage for medical image archive data.
As healthcare providers explore and embrace these innovations, you may no longer have to wait long for those lab test results. And the bill to pay for it may be lower.
Now just imagine the same scenarios across a range of industries - from media and entertainment, to retail and financial services - and you can see the possibilities for a range of new and improved services that can improve our quality of life.
(Hemanth Kumar Kalikiri is general manager of the systems & technology group at IBM Malaysia)